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Region VIII Solid Waste Authority

Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Service

Region VIII Solid Waste Authority
P O Box 116
Petersburg WV  26847

Phone: 304-257-2644
Fax: 304-257-5280

Southern Station

Southern Transfer Station


LOCATION - Off Rt. 220, one mile south of Petersburg, Grant County, On the right hand side of the road, 194 Farnsworth Rd.

HOURS OF OPERATION - 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday and 8:00 A.M. - 12:00 Noon Saturday. 

The transfer station will be open on Monday, February 17, 2025 Presidents' Day.

The transfer station will be closed today Wednesday, February 12,2025 due to weather.

HOLIDAYS CLOSED - New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. All other holidays open regular hours.

PERMITTED MATERIALS FOR DISPOSAL - Municipal and household solid waste, trash, garbage, rubbish, commercial and industrial refuse, appliances and other bulky metals, bulky items such as mattresses, couches, empty propane tanks with regulators removed, etc.

Click here for: Mandatory tarping-effective January 2, 2025

ITEMS ACCEPTED FOR RECYCLING - Tires (must be off the rims, for a small fee); various metals, computer towers (CPU).

PROHIBITED MATERIALS - Free liquids, lead acid batteries, paint, and other hazardous materials, explosive, asbestos, toxic, radioactive, infectious, or medical waste, all other materials prohibited for disposal in municipal solid waste landfills by Department of Environmental Protection regulations.

FEE SCHEDULE - Public Service Commission assigned rate of $81.85 per ton, which includes the State combined assessment fee of $8.25 per ton. Your vehicle is weighed in. After dumping, your vehicle is weighed out. You are charged for the actual weight of materials disposed.

MINIMUM FEE - $10.00; this equals about 240 lbs. of solid waste.

PAYMENT - Cash, check or credit card, payable at the time service is rendered. A charge account can be established with prior approval of the Solid Waste Authority Office. 

OTHER - Free day is provided at the Tucker County Landfill only. It is offered on the first Thursday of each month from 8 - 4 for residential waste only. It is near Thomas, WV.

CONTACT US - Authority Office and Transfer Stations - (304) 257-2644
Toll Free Information - (866) 339-5777
FAX - (304) 257-5280
Web Site -
Email -

Thank You


To report an open dump click here: